12 Youth activists we find inspiring 

We're pretty sure you've heard about Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai, but have you ever heard of these young activists we find inspiring?

name what they are fighting for or against

Thandiwe Abdullah   
racial equality and justice

Kendira Roshay Woods

end bullying, end gun violence, stop stigma against mental health

Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez                           
act on climate change

Bana Alabed

give information on the war in Syria and the resulting refugee crisis     
Sonita Alizadeh

against forced marriages

Sophie Cruz

rights for (undocumented) immigrants living in America

Melati and Isabel Wijsen

against single-use plastic

Jazz Jennings

help trans kids and teens cope in the world

Naomi Wadler

end gun violence in the USA

Payal Jangid

end child slavery in India, for child rights and better school education

 Marley Dias

 representation of African American girls in books that are read in school

 Imani Barbarin

 end discrimination of people with disabilities


Level 1 and 2:

racial equality = Rassengleichheit; justice = Gerechtigkeit; gun violence = Waffengewalt; stigma against mental health = Stigmatisierung der geistigen/seelischen Gesundheit; refugee crisis = Flüchtlingskrise; forced marriage = Zwangsehe; single-use plastic = Einwegplastik; trans = transsexuell; child slavery = Kindersklaverei; disability = Behinderung